2018年12月大学英语四级考试刚刚刚结束,考过的同学不知感受如何,今年的四级作文题目都是围绕挑战展开的,是同学们比较熟悉的话题,文都教育四六级辅导老师现将四级作文一的参考范文与大家分享。 【四级写作参考范文】 The Challenges of Starting a Career after Graduation
Facing the rising employment pressure, a host of college graduates choose to start a career instead of looking for a regular job in a company. As we all know that, starting a career is beneficial to realize one’s own dreams and value. However, it is also widely acknowledged that stating a career will be inevitably confronted with numerous challenges. When it comes to the challenges that we may meet in the process of staring a career, the main ones can be listed as follows. First of all, as freshmen who have just entered into the society, it is obvious that college graduates lack related experience, which will increase the rate of failure they may encounter during starting a career. Being short of entrepreneurial experience is one of difficulties that college graduates need to overcome. In addition, the collection of money is another problem they should solve urgently. Otherwise, there is no possibility of starting a career. Although starting a career after graduation has so many challenges to be solved, college graduates still need take a positive attitude towards it. Moreover, prudent consideration and entrepreneurial spirit are also necessary for graduates to start a career. 【四级写作范文译文】 面对日益增加的竞争压力,众多大学生选择自己创业,而非选择一家公司过朝九晚六的生活。尽管创业有助于个人实现自我价值和梦想,但众所周知的是,创业同样不可避免地会面临很多挑战。提及刚毕业大学生创业可能面临的困难,主要的挑战如下所述。首先,作为刚步入社会的新人,大学生在工作经验方面显然很是欠缺,这就增加了他们在创业过程中失败的几率。缺乏经验只是挑战之一。此外,资金的筹措是刚毕业大学生创业过程中另一个需要亟待解决的问题,缺乏资金则创业无门。尽管刚毕业就创业面临着众多困难,但是大学生仍旧需要对创业保持积极乐观的态度,而且,审慎的态度和创业的精神也是刚毕业大学生创业必不可少的品质。 以上就是文都教育四六级辅导老师给大家提供的四级考试范文,希望能对之后参加四级考试的广大考生有所助益!